Closer to the Patient

The current healthcare system in Slovakia, like other systems abroad, faces major challenges. We have still better diagnostic and treatment options, but we lack the time and capacity to provide them to every patient who needs them.

Without fundamental changes in the organisation and form of healthcare delivery, we will not be able to sustain a system that both prolongs and improves life.

That is why we want to improve the prognosis of patients in Slovakia and we want to improve their quality of life. We want to help healthcare professionals do their jobs well, in a way that fulfills them. And we also want to help our country build a modern healthcare system.

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About our company

We are a team of motivated doctors, healthcare professionals and modern technology enthusiasts who have joined together with an interest in establishing the idea of digital health in Slovakia. We are associated in the organizational branch of the Slovak Medical Society – Slovak Society for Telemedicine and Digital Health.

We bring together doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, IT professionals, researchers, patients and managers to shape the future of modern healthcare together.

We want to improve the prognosis of patients, improve their quality of life, and make the work of healthcare professionals easier by:

  • Initiating and supporting innovation.
  • Sharing our knowledge and expertise.
  • Connecting professional societies, health insurers, government institutions, universities and academia, patient organisations and healthcare providers.
  • By creating technical, security, IT, organisational and legislative standards.
  • Educating and disseminating awareness and information through campaigns, schools, courses and lectures.
  • Working with international partners to adopt the best solutions from around the world.
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Members of the presidium

Behind your journey to modern and efficient healthcare is a team of experienced physicians and pioneers in the field of telemedicine. Telemedicine as a concept encompasses many areas – but the essence is the use of modern technology and the delivery of healthcare remotely. Typical areas are video and audio consultations, prescription refills, home monitoring of physiological functions, remote consultations by specialists, real-time sharing of diagnostic data. Simply, telemedicine makes it possible to get quality healthcare right from the comfort of home.

He graduated from Charles University – Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. He obtained specialization in internal medicine (1st and 2nd degree), cardiology and public health. He managed the hospital in Trebišov, opened the New Generation Hospital in Michalovce, prepared and managed the construction of the Bory Hospital and led the network of hospitals and polyclinics. Together with his colleagues, he prepared and introduced many innovative procedures that are becoming standard – floating beds, triage, robotic drug dosing, increasing patient safety and improving the environment for patients in medical facilities. In addition to being a physician, he is also an educator.

MUDr. Vladimír Dvorový, MPH.


He graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has been working in various positions in the IT sector for more than 25 years. He has been working on the development of digitalization, especially in the field of healthcare, for the last 7 years. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of Goldmann Systems, a.s. a technology company that brings telemedicine solutions in the form of remote monitoring of physiological functions of patients to Slovakia in cooperation with a medical and scientific company.

Ing. Ľuboš Petrík


He is a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience, focused on large-scale projects in telecommunications, public sector and for the last 8 years in healthcare. He started as a programmer and data analyst, gradually working his way up to senior executive positions. His experience is strongly linked to the computerization of services and digitalization of processes associated with the implementation of IT projects as well as product development for healthcare facilities and the digitalization of the healthcare sector. He has been and still is active in the development of hospital information systems products as well as other supporting applications ensuring higher patient safety, comfort and efficiency of healthcare professionals such as telemedicine.

Ing. Ján Dubaj


He graduated from the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava. He worked at the Children’s Cardiac Centre, where he specialised in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders in childhood. Since 2005 he has been working in the management of non-state medical institutions. For several years he also worked in the General Health Insurance Company as a regional, later operational director. Currently he is the medical director in the company Ružinovská poliklinika, a.s..

MUDr. Pavol Martanovič


Profesionálne sa venuje verejnému zdravotnému poisteniu a revíznemu lekárstvu. Pracovala ako vrcholová manažérka v zdravotnom poistení so zameraním na krízový manažment. Špecializuje sa na nastavovanie štandardných diagnosticko-terapeutických postupov a procesov z pohľadu úhrad z verejného zdravotného poistenia a kontrolnej činnosti. Počas jej pôsobenia vo vrcholovom manažmente zdravotnej poisťovni  implementovala  digitalizáciu služieb a telemedicínu  pre klientom a do úhrad so zdravotníckymi zariadeniami.  Súčasnosti sa venuje optimalizácii procesov a manažmentu zdravotníckych zariadení. Prednášala ako certifikovaná lektorka na viacerých univerzitách v Slovenskej republike aj v zahraničí. 

MUDr. Beáta Havelková, MPH, MBA


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to the future
of Slovak

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    Become our member

    Are you a doctor, nurse, healthcare professional or IT professional? A researcher, academic or patient with a passion for the latest healthcare technology? Your experience, opinions and attitudes are key to us.

    Telemedicine has the potential to radically transform Slovak healthcare. Join us and help us shape the future of healthcare in Slovakia! We are looking for telemedicine enthusiasts from the ranks of doctors and nurses, healthcare professionals, IT professionals, academics, and anyone interested in this topic.

    What we offer:

    • Access to materials and news in the field of telemedicine.
    • Opportunity to actively participate in the implementation of telemedicine.
    • Collaboration with leading experts in the field of telemedicine.
    • Participation in educational activities.
    • Recognition that you are part of something big and meaningful.

    Fill in the form above and we will contact you with more information.

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