About our company
We are a team of motivated doctors, healthcare professionals and modern technology enthusiasts who have joined together with an interest in establishing the idea of digital health in Slovakia. We are associated in the organizational branch of the Slovak Medical Society – Slovak Society for Telemedicine and Digital Health.
We bring together doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, IT professionals, researchers, patients and managers to shape the future of modern healthcare together.
We want to improve the prognosis of patients, improve their quality of life, and make the work of healthcare professionals easier by:
- Initiating and supporting innovation.
- Sharing our knowledge and expertise.
- Connecting professional societies, health insurers, government institutions, universities and academia, patient organisations and healthcare providers.
- By creating technical, security, IT, organisational and legislative standards.
- Educating and disseminating awareness and information through campaigns, schools, courses and lectures.
- Working with international partners to adopt the best solutions from around the world.
Behind your journey to modern and efficient healthcare is a team of experienced physicians and pioneers in the field of telemedicine. Telemedicine as a concept encompasses many areas – but the essence is the use of modern technology and the delivery of healthcare remotely. Typical areas are video and audio consultations, prescription refills, home monitoring of physiological functions, remote consultations by specialists, real-time sharing of diagnostic data. Simply, telemedicine makes it possible to get quality healthcare right from the comfort of home.